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Allen Achterberg

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Posts posted by Allen Achterberg

  1. conversion to 24P It will be a closer match, I think I'll do a test, and post it online. I own a HVX200, I'll shoot 30P have it converted and compare it to 24PN footage.


    Will be up shortly.


    All the Best.

  2. What kind of info are you looking for? I mean, alan gordon gave me enough information on it to know what I would use it for. I believe they manufacture this camera. "It utilized the basic elements of the Bell & Howell Eyemo (mechanism plate, shutter and shutter assembly)."


    Looks like a 35mm Bolex to me, with the option of getting good optics (PL mount) , and cheap (Nikon) optics depending on how risky your shot is. It's pictured with a Nikon F mount lens on it. It takes 100' Daylight 35mm loads (okay speed......rolls out almost isntantly) not ideal for long takes.


    what else did you want to know?


    All the Best

  3. ----Yes he can, I've done it, turns out smooth. A Progressive source can be seen as interlaced, no problem (at least I never ran into one) Even if it WOULD create a problem, he can use Twixtor's Re-Interlacer to do this, and do as I suggested. (although I never needed to do such)



    "Drop the scene in as-is"


    THE PROBLEM with that is, is that the motion won't match 24P, and 30P have distinctive looks. A difference will be seen. If you want all of your motion to match, including fade ins/outs it should be editied in the same timeline with the same frame rate. This option is not a good idea for the other reason, He thinks a film out is possible. It will need to be 24P in the end regardless.



    Will look better than 30P regardless.


    Use the fieldskit, it will look choppy if you don't. Create an interlaced file from it, then do the conversion. I've noticed the Fieldskit will give you best results, even if from an progressive source.


    it should go 29.97--->60P---->23.98. that's your 24P, without too much quality loss. Just do as much testing as possible if you decide to go this route.


    All the Best

  4. Legendary Arriflex 35BL Sync Sound Camera. The Body is in excellent cosmetic Condition, Registration is great, everything works as was intended. The Magazine is Quiet, correct tension. Camera shoots up to 50fps. Great Camera, but I need High-Speed! Very comfortable for Handheld by the way. This is a great deal for someone who's looking for an affordable 35mm Sync Sound Package, Has all the necessary accessories to begin shooting right away.


    Items Included


    1x 35BL II Body w/Viewfinder and tap Prism. (Arri B-Mount and Port Cap)

    1x 35BL Prime Lens Blimp (needed for silent shooting)

    1x 35BL 400' Magazine

    1x 4 Pin Power Cable

    1x 12V Battery and charger


    Also included are 2 starter Lenses, they are not the best, $400 lenses. Both are arri standard Mount.


    1x 24mm lens

    1x 35mm Lens


    Please Messege me or Email me If you'd like to make a reasonable offer.


    Item is located in California. Near Los Angeles.








  5. There is a great program out there for After Effects called Twixtor. Use this in conjunction with Reelsmart's De Interlacer to get 60P. From there you can convert it to 24P no problem, I have done with with amazing results (when I had an XL1S)


    Although the Plug does require getting to know it, there are no presets and every scene will render differently with the same settings, so tweaking is crucual to get the smoothest results.


    If you need Further Help, messege me.


    All The Best,

  6. I may be interested. If you have any more info on your camera, don't hesitate to tell!! Thanks.


    Sure, Shoot me an email at AllenAchterberg@gmail.com and I'll reply with a list, and images.



    All The Best!

    Allen Achterberg

  7. Wow, I guess I'm wrong. A BL for under $10,000? Really? Is that with lenses? My answer was based on the fact that you need lenses, sticks, batteries, and a bunch of other accesories. I didn't figure it was possible.



    Lenses, No lenses. That would put the price up in between 13,000-17,000 depending on the glass offered. In which case, I do not have any glass to offer. You may or may not need a lot of accessories, I bought the BL for the soul purpose of shooting for my reel. So it's no studio rig, but is ready to shoot.

  8. I can't speak for everyone else, but I'd consider work to be slowing down for me, what I like to do is go shoot my own personal stuff, for my reel. short ends do come in handy. I revert to Vampire hours and do a lot of reading as well.

  9. I'm currently available for 1st Assistant Camera work if anyone would like a good first.


    Experienced in 35mm/S16/HD Camera and Gears, Also very good with Pro35/Mini35 Adapters.


    if you can use me, I'll happily send you my Resume with references.


    All the Best,

    Allen Achterberg



    Los Angeles*

  10. Shooting at lower frame rates while the main subject is walking slow is a good way to do it, but to get that person's motion to MATCH a normal movement is another story. It's quite tricky to do this, and have it look natural (in my experiences at least). I'd recommend getting your hands on an HVX200 (12fps) and do much testing, so you know how the talent should move and train them to walk slowly but without unnatural movements.


    it really depends on what you expect to get from this effect as far as motion is concerned.





    All the Best,

    Allen Achterberg

  11. It would have been an interesting journey none the less. A friend by the name of Jay Holben said it's actually not Uncommon for a 1st to substitute as the DIT, but definately not supposed to be like that.


    got some old 5279, I think I'm going to go experiment with it since I've got free time now.


    All the Best!

  12. thanks again for your replies. Unfortunately I got a call today, as it turns out, One producerw as saying one thing to the DP and another Producer saying another, meaning they don't actually have funds to hire me, or have a 2nd Camera (nuts! they are shooting a feature with One camera in 16 Days!) Sort of a bummer actually. it is what it is, if anyone's got a project going on, need an AC let me know!


    thanks again everyone,

    Allen Achterberg

  13. Thanks Adam, The ones I have are T2 and T2.8, that's fast enough for me, I'd actually most likely shoot them at a 4 or 5.6, I don't know how these lenses perform wide Open, I've shot a test with them, But neglected to pick the film up from Fotokem, it's been vaulted for sure, but I will eventually go pick it up.



    Allen Achterberg

  14. Thanks for the The replies, I will go through the manual, I've worked with the F900 a few times before, but have never really messed with the scene files. WE start Prep on Tuesday, this is when I will discuss it with the DP and discuss the situation. The Rate isn't the best, so I highly doubt he's expecting a Trained person for the DIT work. I'm hoping to have this all figured out by the time prep is done!


    I agree, if he hands me a picture and say's make it look like this meanwhile actors are before me onlooking I will a bit stressed out over it. He does'nt seem the type.


    Thanks again for the response gentlemen.



  15. I've been trying to figure out how to work within a budget I've been given on a project and ran into an issue. I can't find weight numbers for some of the cameras I've been looking at, so I can price out supports for them. Does anyone know the unloaded weights of:


    Mitchell S35R

    Arri BL2

    Kinor 35H





    Any help would be appreciated.



    My BL2 weights about 30lbs with an empty mag, and the prime lens blimp/no lens.


    All the Best!

  16. I was hired today for a show shooting on the F900 with Digitprimes, I will be B-Cam 1st AC, but he also mentioned I'd be the DIT. Needing another Job, I didn't mention that I'm not trained nor experienced as a DIT, he never asked, nor was it mentioned before hand. But as it goes, he told me tonight that I'd be B 1st, and the DIT.


    I am not even fully sure of what my responsibilities would be as a DIT. If anyone has any advice, concerns, guidence in any way to help me through my 4th Feature I'd be very greatful.


    Also, Is it common to have the 1st AC as the DIT? I've only done 4 features, 3 of whitch were HD other S16, and verious other projects on HD and have never been asked.



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