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Sven Adrian

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Everything posted by Sven Adrian

  1. Hi, first of all thanks for the helpful reply. I was planning to mainly shoot outside and I don't mind the film being grainy. Would you still recommend a light meter? Where do I get one for my camera? The film stock links were very helpful. The Pro8/85 100 reversal offered by pro8mm.com sounds like a good choice for me. Yet it's Ektachrome and I'm not sure if my camera can run that. On Super8wiki.com it says:"The [bauer Royal 10E Macro] camera can not run the Ektachrome 64T automatically." Does that mean Ekachrome in general or just the 64T? Pardon my ignorance. Cheers from Germany, Sven
  2. Hi everyone, I recently purchased a beautiful Bauer Royal 10E Macro, yet I'm not sure what kinds of super8 films to use with it. I'm aware that it can only meter 40 and 160 ASA in artificial light with the corresponding 25 and 100 in daylight. It also cannot run Ektachrome 64T automatically. So which kind/brand of film should I use then and where can I get it? Would Kodachrome 40 be the right choice? Any help much appreciated. Cheers, Sven
  3. Hi everyone, I'm planning to get my first super 8 camera and I was wondering if you guys had any recommentations. I need a camera featuring macro and interval timer, and a friend of mine said I'd rather avoid cameras that require extra light meter batteries (like most Braun Nizo's I guess). Well, and of course it shouldn't be too pricey either. So please enlighten me, which one should I look for: Bauer (may be the 10E), Canon (310XL), Nizo after all (801 macro, 561 macro), or something else? Thanks alot in advance! Cheers from Germany, Sven
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