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Bruce Allen

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Everything posted by Bruce Allen

  1. Matt Garrett and I did tests with it a long time ago. We also did comparisons with it and the Redrock - in my opinion it's at least a stop and a half faster. Sharper too. Personally I prefer it to the Brevis. I think the Letus gives it good competition though. The bokeh of the SGpro is better, but the Letus flips the image and lets in a little more light. Both are very sharp. People get different results - depends on the cam you use and how tolerant you are of vignetting (different distances between camera and ground glass, different zoom levels etc produce different results) Here's the link to our first set of tests: http://provideocoalition.com/index.php/fre...ter_and_hvx200/ Let me know if you're around LA want to borrow / rent one plus some Nikons. I'm in LA in buried in post-production for a short film right now so no time to shoot... Matt is the expert though. He has used it and the Brevis extensively. And he's shot a lot of Red stuff, so could probably give you a better answer. The stuff on Matt's site is a mixture of SGpro, Red and Brevis: http://www.mushyproductions.com Bruce Allen www.boacinema.com
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