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Scott Inglis Asia Based

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  1. Thanks Andre, I'm actually looking for something a little more comprehensive. I am in the process of modifying one of my motion control heads and want the exact position of lens center, rods centers, eyepiece width when extended and when not extended, width of camera with IVS etc. I have already physically measured a camera but it is quite difficult to determine some of the exact dimensions particularly the ones I need to safely center up the camera for long lens nodal roll. Arri have published this data for the 235, but I can't find it for the 435. Many years ago I seem to remember a dimensions chart that was made up and given out by the guys that ran the now Panavision office in Johannesburg, I just didn't put my copy in a safe enough place. Any help would be appreciated
  2. Can someone point me to a source where I can find the physical outside dimensions of a 435 with IVS. I'm after lens center dimensions, rod centers, and the length and width of the camera with a standard 400' mag on the back and a 6x6 matte box on the front. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it.
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