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Tim Venchus

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Everything posted by Tim Venchus

  1. But does that mean that schooling counts for nothing? Did you go to film school? Just curious!
  2. Thanks a lot for the input. I know this is a minuscule issue, but I feel that it's still an important one, maybe more so for someone just starting out than someone who's well established. Cool.
  3. I'm just starting out in the industry and I'm really interested in becoming an AC. I am curious to know your opinions on what makes a good AC resume. As Directors, DPs, Gaffers, Writers, and Editors all get to show off reels of the end product of their work, ACs are stuck with a resume and the words of a kind coworker. Any suggestions on what should go on a resume or what should be left off? Is there some sort of standard resume format? Do student films count for anything (most of my experience so far)? I know I'm not just going to start out as an AC, but I would at least like to make it clear that it's the path I'm pursuing. Would anyone be kind enough to send me their resume or a sample of a decent one? Any help on the subject would be great. Thanks!
  4. Tom, Video looks fantastic! Definitely has that Pan's Labyrinth feel to it. I was surprised to see this because I just recently finished a short film about a girl that has a drug overdose-induced near-death experience. Completely different, but interesting to see the varied takes on the subject. Once it's edited, I'll send you the link (should it find its way online). Great job! Keep 'em comin'!
  5. Thanks for the input guys! Just need to add one more girlfriend in Chicago and get the trifecta going...nice.
  6. OOPS! I meant to put this post in the AC Section but didn't realize I was in the In Production section. I couldn't find a way to move it or delete it! Sorry!
  7. I understand this may open up a tin of worms, but I need the advice. I'm currently living in a suburb of Chicago and within the past year or so decided that I want to spend my life making movies. I attended the New York Film Academy's 6-week filmmaking program in Paris last summer and I've since worked on a few projects ranging from instructional videos to indie shorts, and had a three-month editing/shooting internship with a small video production company (www.jrockent.com). I'm really interested in becoming an AC as I think it may be a great job to learn all of the equipment and from which to observe the on-set action. I'm at a point that I feel a strong need to move to a place where most of the action is...which brings me to either Los Angeles or New York City. I've been to both places and find them to be very different. I'm just not sure which city would be best to start out in. I'd like to move by September '07 so I want to figure this out ASAP. Any thoughts, comments? (Oh, and if anyone could hook me up with a job it would make my decision a lot easier...just thought I'd try!). THANK YOU ALL!
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