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Craig Hollenback

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Everything posted by Craig Hollenback

  1. I've used a Frezzi Light with dimmer for years and I've been very happy with it. I do use it for weddings/ interviews, etc. and the dimmer feature is very important. I own one without the feature that I purchased originally and regret not having the dimmer on that one as well. It has survived 9 years in the florida keys with much outdoor use...no signs of wear. Best, Craig
  2. Thanks again for the info Walter. I agree with the dreamed up senarios for SDI but guess I needed to hear it from one who is using the camera regularly. Re: the ND filters...you are so right. 2 Days ago I was shooting on the beach at 2 pm with a DVX100 , harsh overhead light. Internal ND 2 gave me f11-f14!!!!ouch! Re; matte box...bellows or rigid...to date I've not owned one. Thanks, Craig BTW...my Z1u puts out an awesome picture in HDV, no problems with drop outs as being discussed, etc. and if it had the open architecture and features of the HD200 I wouldn't be here right now. HDV has not been a problem. A friend is shooting an Everglades pieces with a Sony 790 for VOOM and intercuts with a Z1U. Look fwd to your JVC comments. Best, Craig
  3. Walter, Can you tell me how important the SDI output feature of the 250 is? It was mentioned to me that it would be worth the extra money to have that feature so as to be able to cature 4:2:2 to an external recorder down the road. As cost is important to me, and I could use that extra money for accessories I welcome your input on this. I wouldn't want to not get a job because my camera lacked this feature, but I frankly don't know enough about how important the SDI interface is. Thanks, Craig BTW...as I am in Key West and can't easily compare products....am I better off with a Chrosziel mattebox (worth the extra money) vs: a Cavision? Thanks again.
  4. Walter...thanks for all that positive info. I am really looking fwd to getting the 200. BTW, I own a DV 500 from its' introduction and 3 BY100U's from last century! Best, Craig
  5. After some thought, I've chosen the JVC 250. Thanks for reading the tread though. Best, Craig
  6. Walter...I'm glad to hear how pleased you are with the 200. I'm considering the 200 but would like to know why you didn't choose the 250? I don't plan on studio use but would like to get "hired" with the camera. Any input would be helpful. thanks Craig btw...$ are an issue for me
  7. I've owned a Z1U for over a year and use it mostly in the SD mode for event work. I've used it in HDV for personal work and I've been very impressed and plan to use it for my own indie work. I also own 2 DVX100's...happy with those as well. I need to purchase a second 16:9 native camera to be used with the Z1U as second camera in the next month or so, again used mostly in SD mode for now. I really would like to stay with an HDV capable camera for future and indie use. The choice is a V1U or another Z1U? I'm mostly interested in picture quality and low light rather than 24p as I would use dv film software for my indie work when and if needed. OR...as luck might have it...perhaps a 24p Z1U is on the horizon? Right now the difference in price is +$500 for the Z1U over the V1U. So picture quality is really an issue. Thanks for any help on this one as I am in Key West and can't easily get my hands on a V1U for comparison. Best, Craig
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