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Yvette Hej

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Everything posted by Yvette Hej

  1. Hi all, I'm wondering what are some of the best super 8 cameras under $500? I want to use it for music videos and i want to have the 1 frame rate option. Any suggestions and reasons why you think it is the best will help. THanks!
  2. I'm trying to convince myself to get the b&h, but I really want the ArriS.. so I think I'm going to wait a little more to see if I can get a really good deal on one, ie really lucky. Thanks for all the help!
  3. Thanks for all your responses. I've shot with the Arri S and I know it's superb. I want the camera to practice shooting this summer, using various filters, practice lighting different setups, etc. Basically I want to do a bunch of test shoot kind of things.. I just don't want to spend nearly $1,000 on the Arri to do this. Is their a drastic difference in picture quality and is non-reflex aspect of the B&H HR a big inconvenience?
  4. I'm debating which camera to get. I know the Arri S is the best out of all three, but I guess I'm asking how does the Bell and Howell HR compare to the Bolex and Arri S because it is the cheapest. Also, I know the Bell and Howell is non-reflex.. is this a major problem. I read that it has six options for focal length, but I'm not exactly sure how this works and what this means. Can someone please help me out? Any infor would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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