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Everything posted by ephraim

  1. In an upcoming project that I'm shooting, we're supposed to create a lightning effect for a scene that takes place in a storm on a boat. We'll be shooting the scene on a stage. I've never actually had to create lightning, so I was hoping to get someone's expert opinion on what kind of lights work best, and any other kind of other advice for lighting a storm scene on a boat. I've heard that you can use lightning strikes, but that's about all I know.
  2. What's 252? Ephraim Smith Electrician Utah
  3. I'm shooting a thriller at night, in a forest pretty soon. The director wants to do a bleach bypass to get more contrast. What, if any, would be the differences in shooting vision 2 500T as opposed to just shooting vision 500T. Would it even be worth shooting vision 2 if you're going to take away much of that latitude anyway in processing?
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