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Everything posted by RyanHMartin

  1. It has been said before by better, more experienced cinematographers, but I'll say it again. The best way to achieve the "film look" is to treat the camera like a film camera and light as though you are lighting for film. True, the 24P setting, gamma, and color representation on the camera assist with achieving this asthetic, but nothing says professional image like a professional image. Remember, the camera does none of the work for you. I've shot several projects with this camera, ranging from lighting it professionally to capturing images "as is" using only available lighting and I've had great results. However, the projects that I've lit always come out looking better.
  2. The woods are pretty dense with the exception of the one sequence taking place in a large clearing--so I don't think seeing the sky will be an issue. A red filter is one of the things I will be testing, but I'm curious as to how that will effect subject and background separation. Thanks for the tip though, please keep them coming. Ryan H. Martin
  3. Well, for starters you could ND gel the windows of the van to bring them down a stop or two - OR - if budget and equipment permits you could bring up the light level inside the van and close down on the lens.
  4. Hello all, I have a shoot coming up beginning in the first week of June. The director would like the entire EXTERIOR scene to look like it takes place under overcast skies. However, knowing the weather around here, we will probably be shooting in the woods during bright, sunny conditions. I'm in the middle of research to pull this off, but I'm welcoming any suggestions. I intend to shoot some tests. Right now I'm leaning towards creating a canopy of Visqueen or silks for close ups, but the wide shots are a bit more problematic. Here's some info about what we'll be using, again suggestions regarding making the woods appear to be under overcast skies during sunny weather are welcome: Super 16mm Black and White film (KODAK Negative 7231) CP-S16 Camera No lighting instruments, enhancing available light with reflectors, nets, silks, flags, etc. Scenes contain mixture of close and wide shots, mostly capturing action sequences. Thanks guys, Ryan H. Martin
  5. Uri, I'm in the same boat as you, only native US and with less experience. If you stumble upon a way to mentor, please let me know. Until I can help out though, best of luck and keep on trying. later, Ryan H. Martin
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