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Michael Barett

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  1. Also when using a filter such as an orange (for black and white) or a pola to darken the sky should you still split and in your split throw in the compensation of light lost. Thans
  2. Thanks, when your talking about .5-1.5 stop below key, you mean the face is is about half to a stop and a half under.
  3. I've noticed a lot of people ask about shooting in the sun and what to expose for when it comes to sunsets and high backlight. Just to ask two quick questions, when shooting in open shade and the sun is your backlight if you add some fill via HMI or reflector should you still underexpose by about a stop to make the face seem like the shaded side of the sun? Also in shade (not open) like a path that is blocked out from direct sunlight because of trees should you expose at full key. Thanks Michael
  4. Hello, I'm working on a short in about two weeks on 16mm color negative 200t. And we have a scene that takes place at night in hallway of a building that two characters are about to rob. We have 3 1k's and 2 650's so I plan on pouring in some soft moonlight from outside with maybe one or two of the 1k's (the hallway is lined up with windows) and using the other one plus a 650 as a diffused bounce and flag out some of the light to create shadows. Now being that my light will be diffused/soft and I'll have shadows created by the flags is it worth it to close down? Also I said were shooting on 200t would it be a better bet to shoot on 7218 500t? I haven't shot on that stock so I'm wondering if it produces a very grainy image.
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