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Joshua Tanner

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Everything posted by Joshua Tanner

  1. Love the vertigo shots, that guy asking about the red bag sounded and looked like a tom green rip off
  2. In silent films they would matte out everything except a small circle on a character for example anbd then that circle would expand to reveal the whole scene or image. same thing in reverse to iris out.
  3. Hi im shooting a 16mm short in the style of the early 20's silent films, im shooting it hand cranked with a pathe webo but what i want to know is how to do iris in and iris out 'in camera' like they often did on these silent films. any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. "THE STORY NEVER REALLY CLARIFIED WHY THE COUPLE WAS HIKING AND THE MAN IN BLACK SEEMED A BIT CARTOONISH WITH THE TEARDROP NAILS AND THE BIG DARK CIRCLES" The first thing that you must realise with the story is that the Black & White footage is a fantasy in thhe mind of the taxi driver, the color flashes are fragmented memories and the people in the back of his taxi are incorporated into this daydream and encounter the same events that have tormented the taxi driver. The black suited man is abstract because he's just a doll in the real world. You can see the young boy holding it, and him holding it again when he is older, the taxi driver at the end. In his fantasy the man takes the image of the doll, the doll is him, and though the color flashes you should see his connection with the doll.
  5. Hi im a young Australian Director & DOP and i was just wondering if you gifted professionals could critique my latest film THE MAN AMONGST TREES, just take note the whole thing was shot on natural light. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqBWXGDmaf8 Look forward to hearing!
  6. Hi im looking to move up to 16mm from super 8, and ive been offered a Cinclox by this guy i know for about $60AUD ($40US) with 3 old rolls of film. I want to know what this camera is like, pros and cons. Any help would be awesome.
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