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Chris Delpire

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Everything posted by Chris Delpire

  1. What is the best way to do a faint scene? Suppose a guy gets decked. He falls to the ground and passes out. Then he wakes up in a hospital bed. His eyes open, close, open, blur, focus, etc. Would one do this with video editing? I suppose it would be the best. If so, what what and how? Also, about video editing, what is recommended as the best software for video editing? Thanks Chris
  2. Hello everyone! I am very new at film making. My friend and I have been working on some little funny music videos. We are thinking about making a short film. Very short! We are experimenting with camera shots and different effects. One problem we had was a stabbing scene. We wanted to make it look as if he was stabbing my hand and that blood came out. We ending up just stabbing to the right of my hand and having the camera on the left of my hand. Then we just cut to a scene where I showed my hand with blood on it. So here are my questions. What is the best way to pull of a blood effect for a stabbing and a shooting? If needed, where can I buy good looking knives (for a cheap price) that retract? What programs or effects do I need to put video clips on top of each other? ( for example filming a clip of the hand, then putting a clip of a stabbing of a packet of fake blood under that clip? Any help would be awesome! Hope everything's clear. Chris
  3. Hello. My name is Chris. And I know nothing about filming, etc. I would like to make a show with my friends, just for fun. But I don't know how to get started. I had a though of using giant pieces of sterifoam, cutting it up and painting it green. This way I can green screen without having to build a set. I am very good with 3D art so it would be easy to render out scenes. So here are my questions. Is that possible? Where can I buy a camera that makes it look good, but isn't extremly expensive? What programs do I need for using the green screen, and for changing the colors etc. to make it look like a realistic show? I know its probably not going to happen. But I love learning new things, even if I won't use it.
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