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Jake Richardson

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Everything posted by Jake Richardson

  1. would this film stock be good for outdoor nature shots...with good color saturation and decent contrast? or is it more of an indoor film? thank you, jake r.
  2. hello everyone, i have been reading some posts here now and appreciate the detailed responses. lately i have been take some still shots with a large format camera in the sierra nevada, and i have been wanting to take some 35mm movie shots in the same setting....mountains, lakes, forests, sunsets, here are some digital shots of the scenes http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=434204 my question is, could i use a konvas 2m, or similar konvas with the basic set of primes such a camera kit would include to get sharp, contrasty 35mm cinema images? or would i need to try and find a more expensive lens, such as a zeiss prime? my concern is that i am not familiar with 35mm movie lenses, and i don't want to waste time and money using the trial and error method. also, would it be possible to do landscapes under moonlight with a 35mm stock? would 500 asa with a fast lens wide open still not be able to create a decently exposed image? with my large format camera i typically used 50 and 100 speed fuji films. and a night exposure could be 30 seconds. thank you, jake
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