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John Doe

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Everything posted by John Doe

  1. Best policy is honesty... So, you want to "maintain" a professional relationship with someone you believe isn't trustworthy? Why? Just stop returning calls, stop communication... If they're too stupid to understand, then they're not worth the time and effort anyway.
  2. Good artist copy, great artist steal... And as for how things are handled... Ideally in sets i've worked with, if it has a good crew, that is all working toward the same goal... They all understand what they're working on, and work towards it, its much like a temporary family... Sometimes you could be with each other for years and never see each other until your next feature or possible years down the road... Ideally people have their titles and roles, but if i see something that isn't my department and i can fix it real quick, i'll do it if it will save time(that is if i'm treated right to begin with)... As for one "logistical" person... Sure, the producer... HAHAHAH Ideally he is the liaison between the studio cats, and the "artist." But he's mostly an annoying pest that is only around for money purposes... Although, you would never think that considering how many people kiss his a@$...
  3. If the director is big enough, and the studio agrees he can have more control over final cut... The opposite is true for directors who are doing a small indie film for little to no money and they have the skills and equipment to edit themselves... As for how they're picked, there is no criteria, its merely a conglomerate bunch of elitist no-names that attempt to attribute "artistic" value to seemingly anything they deem important... The same can be said true for any "art" form... "Technical" shots that take weeks if not months to prepare are sometimes praised, but often ride on the clouds of movie obscurity because of low recognition. These people who pretend to have some sort of authority over anything movie related are simply self-indulged name-droppers...
  4. If you were LA i could help you out... I know tons of places...
  5. How insightful... :rolleyes:
  6. I met a few guys who wanted me to intern for free... I frankly dont see how you can't get an intern place in hollywood... Its filled with cheap skates that are entirely ego driven about "how much they make," "who they've worked with" But yea, you should have no problem getting ripped off for free work... Dont expect people here to do anything either, unless they've worked with you before and have a repor, its doubtful they're going to extend any kind of effort... I have set experience and never went to school for it, go figure... I just knew the right people.
  7. Ah, so i take it those types of lights have no practical application in film... That's more what i'm involved with now, but i'm doing a shoot this weekend... So, i'll know if i like it as much as running intel fixtures... I see you're japanese, i use to live in yokosuka not to far from where my dad was born... You do any electronical engineering work as well?
  8. Have you any of you done concerts and/or other events that involved intel lighting, lasers, etc... Oh, and who was i conversing with about philosophy in my introduction post(since it was deleted)... I must've hurt someones sensitive ego...
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