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Josh D Ford

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Everything posted by Josh D Ford

  1. Does anyone know of a place that rents the SDX900 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada? If someone could provide me with a source that would be awesome. I'm thinking of renting this for an upcoming short, however I have access to a DXC-D30 with DSR-1 recorder for free, so I'm weighing my options here. Thanks folks. :)
  2. Thanks guys. I remember seeing BetaSP on the recorder part of the camera but I've been told the same camera is in digital format. I'm confused now. I'm getting conflicting information. Okay. I'm trying to figure this out with my mates and I remember shooting with the D30 and using a standard miniDV tape. What would that make the recorder?
  3. Thanks for the quick reply Phil. This won't be blown up to film in all likelyhood and will stay on beta or miniDV/DVcam formats as well as being burned to DVD. If I shot with the DVX100 I would shoot in 4:3 mode (as it's not native 16:9, I believe. Or is it? I can't remember.) Interesting note about it being just the camera head. I knew the body and head were interchangable but now I'm not sure which body it is that the available camera has, I'm pretty sure it's a BetaSP. Some form of digital beta. Thanks again.
  4. Hey all, I'm shooting a comedic short film soon and have the option of either of these cameras. I'm going for a real clean, simple, natural look. The Panasonic DVX100 or the Sony DXC-D30 betacam. Suggestions?
  5. First off thanks again for another great response! Just to give a bit more information. This is a student shoot I will be directing. I have some knowledge about lighting/electric but I figured this was the best place to ask all of those questions I need to fill in the blanks. I will also be working with a DP who has experience with film. As a director, I need/want to know everything I can about whats going on with my shoot. I like to be as prepared as possible and have as much knowledge about all of the aspects of filmmaking pertaining to my shoot. Thus I'm here learning and planning. There is still the possibility of renting a genny, as this shoot won't be until January/February. It's looking like it would be too much of a hassle though. Guess it all depends on the locations specifics. (How many 20 amp circuits we have etc.) As well, sorry to confuse, I had actually meant to say CTO (not CTB).
  6. Well, it looks like we'll be shooting Fuji. The new F-500 is supposed to be a great stock, anyone have experience with it? Also I'm wondering because it will be winter how safe it is to have lights outside? Of course it's possible, movies ARE shot in the winter. I'm just not sure if there are extra safety precautions. If I throw up a 10K HMI or something similar outside the window for sunlight do I have to cover that somehow so that snow doesn't get inside or something? One more thing: ;) If I'm using kino's and an HMI as my primary light source for the hotel room does it still make sense to use Tungsten balanced film? I don't want the room to be *that* well lit anyway and may be gelling the lights (CTO) as well.
  7. Well the budget isn't THAT tight. :) Speaking of film stock, would it be advisable to go with something like 800T in this sort of situation, or if we end up able to bring in/power more lights than previously thought would 320T or 500T 5279 be better choices? Even if we are able to get up more lights, would 800T still be a better choice?
  8. Thanks for the suggestions so far guys! What are your opinions on exchanging the existing practial bulbs? Would that make a noticeable difference (along with the other lighting) and be worth the cash?
  9. Hey gang, my first post here. :) I am in early preproduction for a film most likely to be shot on 35mm or 16mm that will take place on location in a hotel. A hallway, a hotel room and the front desk are the 3 main areas at the location. I am trying to figure out what the best way to light this would be. I have access to a great deal of lighting equipment (from my school) but am concerned over power (electricity) issues. There is a possibility of renting a generator but that would cause a host of other problems and may not be in the budget. The room of course isn't lit very brightly by existing practicals (like most hotels) and neither is the hallway or front desk for that matter. I'm sure some higher wattage bulbs could be used in the room to brighten up the practicals but I don't think the same would be possible for the other areas. Is there a way to do this very simply and still have it look good? Is a generator the only way? A bunch of foamcore maybe? ;) Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks folks.
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