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  1. What's wrong, everybody too busy looking for scolarships to give their thoughts on filmschools? :(
  2. In a country with the minimal monthly wage of 140$? People here wouldn't even aid you with 1000$ wihtout a detailed 100-page long business plan of how you (your education) is going to bring it back to him. It's a big risk and nobody wants to take it. Anyway, I shall look around the international institutions, that are linked to in the AFI site, maybe come up with something, send some letters and stuff.
  3. I just might :) Anyway, looked at the fees for AFI. All I can say is - DAMN! Where the hell do I get 100 grand? :D
  4. Thanks, I am aware of that. But if you look at the pricing - roughly 100,000$ for 2 years in AFI versus about 10-15,000$ for schools in the UK, you have to start wondering how big really the difference is in the quality of education.
  5. How do you guys manage to film and film and make all sorts of small movies for yourselves? How do you get the money for all the beautiful cameras, lenses, lights, mics, tripods and glidecams? :/ All I got is a full time job to earn a living, crappy Sony DV camera, a lousy plastic tripod and a dream to go to a serious filmschool :(
  6. Hi, I'm currently 21 years old, just about to finish my current University where I'm having a Bachelor Degree in Information Technology and Computer Science. I have worked as a video editor on my local TV channel for almost a year, editing footage on an Avid Xpress / Premiere and doing minor camerawork as an assistant, shooting something on miniDV, Betacam and DVCam. I've also shot some footage on an old Super-8 camera I got off eBay, but have been unable to see what I got, I have to send the reels to Switzerland to get them developed and then to Norway to get them transferred to DV for editing, expensive, can't afford :( I've been reading around the forums and decided to post. The moment is getting closer and I'm looking for a filmschool to apply to in 2005, since filmmaking and cinematography is what I have always wanted to do, been excited about filming and sound equipment since I can rembember myself, byt I fear it's going to be tough, because I'm from Latvia. The film and ad industry here is very undeveloped, there are NO filmschools, not one. So in order to pursue what I have been dreaming of - I ask for advice, which filmschools do you consider good, advanced, with a high level of standarts, decent equipment and good staff and that have MA 2-year courses? After reading a few posts I started thinking about the UK film vs USA film and couldn't think of any reason why I could/should chose one or another. I want to learn 16/35mm works, pro sound and light, I want some feeds on animation and visual effects - I don't know - at this point I want to learn everything, because in order to be adept, you must be skillful and knowing at every filmmaking process - be it editing, sound or actor direction. And I strongly believe, that I want to achieve strong technical knowledge, it will be up to me what I do with it later. I understand film as art, but I also believe that it has to have the entertainment factor in order to gain popularity, because all art is subjective, no one gives a damn how you "feel" about the world, as long as it's entertaining. So I am on the balance, wanting to learn the profession and understand it and it's part in the modern world. So which filmschool do you think would be the best - in terms of professionalism, being cool and attractive and fun and with "today" in mind? Which one trains quality industry professionals? It's hard to understand what is good and what is not, I don't have any friends in filmschools, no contacts, you can't really tell if it's good by looking at it's website, they market you all kinds of things and can be misleading. Thanks in advance.
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