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Garrett Vitanza

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Everything posted by Garrett Vitanza

  1. Thank you for your reply. Could someone explain what the primary function is of and what the ideal setting is for (Frames Per Second). Like I mentioned above my knowledge is rather limited but Im guessing that a light meter is used to measure light refracting the image into the camera which triggers the shutter speed. However I still dont understand the desired effect and the proper number one would set it to. Is it purely aesthetic? or is it establishing a basic steadiness and consistance for the shot?
  2. So would you say the basic function of a grey card if to define the value range of the frame using he gray card as a value scale, this enabling a midrange value to better establish the extreme poles of value?
  3. Hello everyone. As you can tell from the subject of this topic I am relatively new to the technequies and formalities of the camera. I am really fascinated with the complexity of the camera and paticularly interested with camera lenses. I would really appreciate a recomendation on a suitable camera for me (20 year old student experimenting with film for the first time) as well as a good treaty or website on lenses. I would also like to know the basics, the standard vocabulary, if you will. you need to walk before you can run.
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