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Paul Martin

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  1. In the early 1980's Arri made an image stabilizing accessory meant to go in front of the lens of a 16sr. With a 16mm camera, a minimum focal length of 35mm is necessary to prevent vignetting. It can also be used with 35mm cameras using a minimum focal length of 75mm. There are still some out there and I just wonder if anyone knows how well they work. They're based on gyros moving paired mirrors, so do they make much noise in operation? Are they any match for a Kenyon Gyro KS-6 or 8? 4 degrees per second maximum panning speed seems terribly slow. Does the image jump around if one exceeds this? The camera I'd most like to couple one of these with is the 5D Mark II. Given the camera's Vistavision sensor size, I would assume the minimum focal length would be around 150-200mm. Is this pushing the limits of the vignetting problem too much? Does the stabilizer provide anywhere near the 3-4 stops of stabilization of Canon's newest generation IS? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the help!
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