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ahmad ikhwan

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  1. wow. your movie looks amazing. what 35mm adapter did you use? Thanks for your suggestion. The dream scene is really short. So, I think i can shoot and experiment it with different set up. what is ground glass vibrator? where is it placed on the camera? thank you! =)
  2. Thanks a lot James! That's very useful! Really appreciate it! I never used vaseline on lens filter before, that a really cool trick... but it wont damage the filter, will it? God bless
  3. Thanks! I haven't seen the film yet but I will check it out! ;)
  4. hi i am a student filmmaker. totally a beginner. i need to know what should i do to achieve a dream like sequence... I am going to shoot on HVX200. the scene is going to be bright, yellow-ish and white-ish, overexposed... a heavenly scene kinda look.. so, what should i do with the camera settings? should i play with color temperature? or is it better to do the trick by lighting only? is there any other things that i should consider? please let me know. and also i would like the scene to be in slow-mo. should i do it on the camera? if so.. how do i do it? or is it better to do it on post? Thank You so much. I apologize if my questions are not challenging enough.
  5. hi.. i am a student filmmaker who is going to shoot my thesis project in another 2 weeks! I need a professional advice on how to light a dream-like sequence. the scene is about a boy dreaming of his late mommy and him playing together, its indoor, but there are windows in the shot and the scene is during daylight... so i want it to look bright, yellow-ish, overexposed kind of thing, but i want it to look memorable, sweet memories kinda look.. sephia kinda look, but not exactly sephia... i want it to look soft.. but at the same time bright so.. how do i light this scene without making it look burned? please give me advice with what light should i use, gels... etc and also, i need to shoot a scene, something like the scene in The Graduate, where Dustin Hoffman's character is chilling out at the pool, and his parents and his parents friends came to talk to him... I want that look of his parents and their friends, where u can't really see their faces.. u can only see their silhoutte.. I am going to shoot this scene outdoors, in the cemetery.. without electricity access.. please help. I'm sorry for my poor english. Oh yes.. I am going to shoot this on Panasonic HVX200 Thank You. :rolleyes: :P
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