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DJ Hamilton

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    New York
  1. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Very much appreciated all the comments.
  2. Thank you John and Max very much. I am very concerned with the flicker which I've only heard about. If we were to shoot it at 25 as John suggests, then in the states in many cases we'd have to screen it at 24fps right? 4-5% slower than it would screen in Europe... Correct? -btw do runnaway productions in Europe shoot at 25 as well? If not, how do they overcome the 50 cycles issue?
  3. Shooting a student film in Berlin on 35mm and am very lucky to have a budget for a 35mm optical print. Since I am a student and American, I have so many questions. But let's start with 3. #1. My goal is to have a finished film screened in the states with a 35mm optical print. So many Europeans have assured me that it is better to shoot in 25 and that ALL or MOST american theaters accomodate 25 fps. Is this true? #2 If my goal is to finish with a 35mm optical print, should I shoot in 24 or 25fps? #3 If we shot 24 fps, how difficult is it to control the quality of the image for interior shots? Thank you very much for reading, and for any advice you can offer.
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