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Everything posted by NikiNewland

  1. Hi Matt and welcome. I told you you'd like it here. I apologize for the 8mm mistake... I wasn't thinking. So there's no mistake about who shot what, on a lot of my 'contributions' as listed, I operated or assisted and gaffed or both. I don't want to step on your toes, Matt :::cough tim cough:::. But all is well and we should have drinks more often.
  2. Unfortunately, due to being an underemployed filmmaker, I didn't get to attend the festival this year. I shot for CSA, some of the 16mm, (all but one scene of the B&W, the "I Married an Abolitionist" clip) and some of the DV. I operated on the betacam. I camera assisted (1st and 2nd) and gaffed most of the rest. The 35 was shot by a local camera owner (Kansas City) with the last name of Paddock (I don't remember his first name). The 8mm was all shot hand cranked on a bolex. We used a Arri S or 16 BL for most of the 16 work with some shots with an SR2. DV was all shot on a Canon XL1. I was told to follow the actor and push record on the beta, so I don't know what it was. The 8mm was Matt's bolex, modified. 8mm stuff is easy to spot: "Dishonest Abe" hand cranked, silent, with title cards (and Harriet Tubman). Also, Abe Lincoln at 90, denouncing slavery from his home in Canada. Unfortunately when Kevin told the lab guys to scratch up the film, he failed to tell them to scratch a "WORK PRINT" so the original is in terrible shape. It's hard to say who shot what between my mentor/professor Matt Jacobson and I because we made it a collaborative effort between the two of us. I'd light half the shot and he'd tweak and we'd both compose, or he'd light and I'd compose, he'd operate and I'd assist. It's a fantastic relationship we have because we have similar ideas with enough difference to spark creativity. If you haven't seen it, this won't mean much to you... but, the things I know I shot (which may not all be in the final cut as they tweaked since I last saw it): speeches by stodgy politicians talking about 'keeping darkies in line' (b&w 16mm, arri s), the 'evangelist' talking about how 'negroids' are not quite human (dv, canon xl1), the press conference with the main character, Fauntroy, and his family as well as the coming down the stairs shot with all the confetti from his campaign video (xl1, I believe) All of "she's a good one", both the kitchen shots where the maids talk about the gardener getting uppity and the interview with Queen Bey later.(also xl1) The Cops-like segment called "Runaways".(XL1) The "Gone with the Wind" type epic musical shot "they tried to take my blacks".(SR2) There's more but I'd have to see it again to tell you. Oh, and on the World War II ("kill em all, let God sort em out") (35mm) I was designated sweat wrangler. CSA sold out every screening, especially after Spike Lee attached to the project, so a lot of people didn't get to see it, but it's been all the buzz since it premiered. I don't know how it was projected, but when they all return from Utah I can give more details.
  3. I wanted to start a thread about this year's films. If anyone has questions about CSA: The Confederate States of America, I shot a goodly portion of it. It incorporates 8mm, 16mm (B&W and color), 35, dv, betacam. Some of it was hand cranked (that was fun). Spike Lee has endorsed it and agreed to executive produce. Also, it was just picked up for US distribution by IFC films. Much rejoicing is happening around here. Any questions about this or other films in the festival?
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