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Mike McLaughlin

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Posts posted by Mike McLaughlin

  1. Hi guys,

    Thanks for the replies.

    Camera doesn't respond when I hit phase or run. I'm going to test the cable at a rental house today.

    Dumb question - is this the type of cable I could have built by someone? I imagine tracking them down now is not easy...


    - m


  2. How did you acheive those frame rates? If it was by selecting them on the R5 then you have nothing to worry about but maybe everything. You ran your camera 'wild' so any flicker will also be wild. Proof will be in the pudding with this one.



    Yes I chose those frame rates on the R5.

  3. Hi everyone,


    I was on a shoot recently with my bolex R5, and I was shooting a lot of over crank (48 and 64 fps). The shoot was in Germany and the lighting was both tungsten and HMI (I think, it was a massive stage) and now I'm nervous about flicker. Does anyone know if I'm going to have flicker at those frame rates under 50Hz lighting?




    - Mike

  4. Hey Guys!


    I have a shoot coming up where I would like to mimic an actor falling from the sky via green screen.

    I am curious about body harnesses. I guess my main two questions are:


    Does anyone know any brands / rental houses that carry that kind of equipment?


    How difficult is it to key out the wires that are holding the actor up?




    - Mike M

  5. So I finally, ended up using this black light bulbs for Kinos. I'm not exactly sure about the name, but they worked like a charm. They're skinnier than a regular Kino Bulb and they are true UV. The shining teeth effect was perfect. I also tested the rosco congo blue filter but that didn't do the trick. I guess that would fake it if you were to shoot a club scene or something were you're mixing light sources, I was doing product shot so I needed the real thing, I did use some Dedo's with Full CTB + Congo Blue (I know, almost no output) but just enough for some edge lights. Thanks everybody for your suggestions.



    Do you know what they were called?

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