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Everything posted by CESAR DIAZ

  1. Thanks you guys for all those great responses.
  2. I know that some of this has been said before, but I am tired of seeing shaking image footage of super 8 because that's the "look" super 8 is suppose to have. Maybe it's difficult to watch a super 8 feature in the big screen but what about using a steady tripod, good lighting and good production values. If you took care of this probably many people said "Oh that's not super 8, it's looks too professional", so what, super 8 is a format that can be professional. Small camcorders where used to shoot activities that super 8 once did it, like birthday parties etc. But it looks now that the camcorder is the perfect tool for new filmmakers to make a low budget" film" that can be show in the big screen, so I think there is something missing somewhere. I have a dream that some day some one will develop a good, cost effective super 8 camera that you can shoot really good footage for the big screen; I think it can be done. Who would have thought that 30 years ago we could use the same editing software used by Hollywood professionals?
  3. Thanks guys for that feedback, I think that off course there some drawbacks in making a feature film but at the same time I think that the technology exist to improve the format. My other point is that when super 8 is shown on the big screen it was always shown like the person who is operating the camera doesn't know what a tripod is or what's lighting is all about, I know that this is the look that the filmmakers want but I would like to see a steady shot on super 8 taking care of lighting on the big screen. There is a promo on the Pro8mm website about GOING GREEN and the quality of the footage it's incredible because they used professional techniques to film that short. Thank's again people. (sorry, english it's not my main language)
  4. One of the thing that bothers me is that people said a lot that super 8 it's not good to make a feature film because is to grainy and people don't like that. My answer is, what about the many feature films that use digital camcorders to film like the POV of the cameraman, there is a lot of shaking and that's bother me but for a lot of people they like that. Movies like The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activities 1,2 and 3 used this kind of shooting, so why super 8 can't do the same. Long live super 8 the real format for people who wants to shoot film and don''t have a huge budget.
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