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Damien Dufresne

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Everything posted by Damien Dufresne

  1. Hello, I used a FX6 in Cine EI mode in base 800 and base 12800. All the proxies from the camera in base 800 and base 12800 looks good. but for the XAVC-I files I need to use two different LUTs, I can't use one LUT and the Lut s709 doesn't work well is it normal ? maybe it's a Firmware to update ? Thank you !
  2. I make some test so with Zeiss HS and sony A7S2 4k with the ratio 2.40 it's possible to use the 35mm and the 50mm doesn't make problem. 35mm
  3. Hi, I would like to know if the lenses Zeiss super speed prime or standard prime can coverage the full frame of the Sony A7S2 ? Thanks !
  4. jesus super star is a special movie I like it ! I take your advice in consideration and I agree with you : just trust in the negative with a good exposition ! Thank You
  5. you are right, it's maybe possible and it's also good for my health !! I can take 7212 but for my test it's only 60 meters for one stock but I need to test the other stock if I take it. Can you tell me about the 7217 with overexposure and lattitude. and the 7212 ? In this country, Israel, Sure contrast between shadows and hightlight must be very hard !!
  6. thank you ! I would take 7219 but it's too expensive... I'll make test for overexpose 7218 with 2/3 and 1 stop the director want contrast and saturated color. maybe with 1 stop it's OK. for few short I want overexpose with 2 stop to have a special picture. Do you try 18 with hardoverxeposure ? I'm afraid about the shutter angle 90, it's possible to have strobe in this way no? but it's good for the blown up, frame is more sharpen.
  7. hi ! it's my first topic but Ii'm a accuracy reader ! I am french student and i will go to Israel to shoot a short movie in S16. with a lot ext/int day ant few int/ext night. we have not a lot of lighting material for int day and night. so maybe i will take one stock : 7218 for all. I'd rather three stocks ( 7201 for extreme ext day, 7205 for int day and 7218 for night )than one stock but we have not scripte and we are afraid to not look at carefully the metrage for each sequence and it's a cheap movie! So I would take 7218 for all . I'm afraid about ext day with this stock but I want to overexpose one stop for all shoot. With 85 and a shutter at 90 normally i rate it at 80 ASA. I can use 85 DN, but I'm afraid of seeing nothing trought the viewfinder. It is a big mistake ? :blink: thank you for your answer and very sorry for catastrophic english !
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