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Andrew Rodger

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Everything posted by Andrew Rodger

  1. LoL, Yeah EFK aren't to everone's taste. Glad you liked the photography though and thanks for your kind comments. I'll pass them onto the rest of the crew. If you can stretch to it I'd recommend the 5DmkII. It's a stunning stills camera to start with but the main thing that sets it apart from the rest is the fact that it is a full frame 35mm sensor rather than a 1.6 crop. That shallow a depth of field is only achievable at those lens angles with a large gate. The 5D has an image sensor bigger than a 35mm Motion Picture camera so you can achieve hyper shallow DoF as you can see in the shot you mentioned in the video's opening. That said the MkII is still a bit buggy in certain areas, making it a pig to shoot with, but it sounds like Canon are on the case to sort most of these issues out. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to watch and to comment. Best of luck; I look forward to checking out one of your videos in the future. Cheers, Andy
  2. Hi folks, Should you have a mo, would apprecitate any thoughts/constructive critisism on this. http://vimeo.com/3999097 Cheers, Andy
  3. Hi Shelby, I have a Beulieu 4008 ZMII which I might be interested in selling. In very good nick with instructions and the original carry case. Regards, Andy
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