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Michael Salyers

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  1. I'm shooting a Rockstar Energy Drink commercial on spec and was wondering if anyone has any advice on lighting it, specifically if you know of any tricks to make it dripping can sweat. I will be shooting on a Panasonic HVX-200 at 720p, 60fps. I have at my disposal a fairly decent sized green screen (three walled-- 15 feet per wall) which I plan on shooting the can against. I also plan on getting the can as far away from the green screen to prevent any green spill. Lighting equipment I will have is as follows: two 4'x4 bank kino flos, one 2k softbox, one 2k BJ, one baby 1k, possibly a Dedo kit (two 200s and one 150), several flags, silks, and all applicable stands. So my question is, what is the best way to get that sweat to drip off of the can perfectly, and then what would the best way to light that sweaty can be? I have a rough idea in my head-- spray the can with water and put it in the freezer for a little while, then use larger, soft sources to catch as much reflection off of those beads of sweat as possible. I also may be able to obtain use of a spider dolly in order to get something of a half circle type of motion around the can, so I would possibly need to light for that. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you!
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