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William Siegel

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Everything posted by William Siegel

  1. Does anyone have a good site with pictures to see different types of developments, ie, cross processing, bleach bypass, pull, pushing, ect...also how does over exposing and underdevelopment differ in look from under exposing and overdeveloping? if a pic site has, much obliged, thanks.
  2. i recently saw a television with a 700:1 contrast ratio. In the tech specs is said "contraist ratio 700:1 (DPR 3000:1) What exactly does that mean and what does DPR stand for?
  3. What are HMI lights, and what color temperature are they for, and are they used more for certain conditions rather than tungsten? also if color correction is needed what gel/s would you use to correct for this? This also goes for par lights?
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