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Tami Galvin

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Everything posted by Tami Galvin

  1. I think what I'm after is simplicity. There are existing light sockets in a location and I just want to get some use out of them. Often times they are in the center of the ceiling which is a good place to have a light without having to set up an autopole or worry about cords and lights that shouldn't be in the shot being in the shot. Being a student and only having access to small lights (1K and under) I'm always trying to find cheap and easy ways to add light to the set since DV and HDV have little latitude. I have clamp lights and china balls, but that's more stuff to plug in and more stands to find or places to clamp. I just want to maximize what's already there.
  2. That's the problem I have - the Reveal Bulbs are still too orange. I want a pure daylight color temp so that it doesn't compete or distract from the sunlight, but add fill in a too dark room. I guess what I'm thinking of is not so much practicals, but fixtures that are already in the room, such as can lights or hardwired ceiling fixtures. I"m just wondering if the Photoflood bulbs might be too much for those fixtures (as well as being expensive). Maybe just throwing CTB over them is the best way?
  3. Hello everyone! This is my very first post here. Yes, I'm a little nervous... I've looked around and used the search button so please excuse me if someone has already asked/answered this. I'm wondering if anyone ever uses daylight balanced bulbs in practical lights successfully when shooting an interior during the day. Usually I end up putting CTB on the bulbs when possible, but I was wondering if anyone ever uses a 5600K Photoflood bulb. Not in a lamp that is rated for 100W max, but in something like a hardwired fixture or can light. These are lo/no budget shoots with either the DVX or the HVX and the biggest lights I ever have are a 1K and a Kinoflo Diva Light 400. Word. Thanks for any info!
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