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Daren Findling

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Posts posted by Daren Findling

  1. It is really easy for anyone with a basic understanding of motion images to see that Phil's posts are beyond foolish. I can understand why Jim got upset but I feel even acknowledging someone with as little understanding as Phil is a huge waste of time.

  2. The red cameras I have worked with can only show the power status of the red brick batteries. Seems like red made it so that their batteries are the only ones that can use this feature. All other V-mount batteries I used worked fine with the camera but they all read AC on the back pannel.

  3. Hi Daren,


    The lettering on the lenses are typical Cooke, it's a shame thats where the similarity ends. Hopefully the long awaited Red 18-85 & The Red primes will be what were looking for.




    I have heard that the 18-85 might be a rebranded russian lens. This lens shows a lot more promise.

  4. The Cooke Red lenses are just regular S4s with a red colored logo. The price is still the same though. They got nothing to do with Red's own lenses, which are not Cooke glass but rehoused Sigmas.


    They are indeed the $400 sigma 18-50. I do however suspect that a division of cooke is rehousing them although cooke would never admit or want that information to get out.

  5. Hi Robert,


    How does fully built package compare weight-wise to a fully loaded Sony F900R with on-board monitor, rods, mattebox, on-board battery, etc.?



    Think ARRI 235 kind of weight. Or if you are not that familiar with a 235 as it is fairly new think just slightly lighter then a 435 set up. All in all it is actually quite light as far as profesional cine cameras go.

  6. I believe it used to be 2mm and is now 8mm. I don't recall the distance on the Genesis, but I do know that it is a good distance out from the sensor, something like 5mm. One of the reasons cited by Panavision was that this would mean that any dust theat might land on the OLPF to be so out of focus as to not hurt the image.


    I have seen both the old and new OLPF versions side by each and the the new version has the filter placed a noteable difference further from the sensor.




    Claudio is the second DP I respect to point out REDs shortcomings in dynamic range... I thougt it was going to blow the 2K cameras out of the water in resolution and DR. What happened?


    What happened is simple. People tend to believe what they want to hear, not what is factual or even logical. You can walk up to a five year old kid and say this camera is here is a red and it is worth about the same as your dads car and this other camera is a f23 and it is worth as much as 10 of your dads cars. Then ask him which camera is better. I have a feeling the five year old will display more logic then a lot of reduser members. You get what you pay for.


    That said the red is looking great for what it is. I just don't expect it to be better then a viper, genisis, dalsa or f23. As long as a red camera comes close to those cameras and is better then a sony 900 it is a good deal.

  7. Let's not go there, please.


    Walt has an alternative perspective. There's no need to make it personal. That's just unprofessional.





    Hi Guys


    It was not intended to be a personal attack. I merely was trying to lighten up the mood. After reading the largest rant I have ever read with a very condesending tone I thought I would try and lighten it up. I have now just read the posts that followed and I see it did not lighten up one little bit. Oh well.


    PS- I do not see it as unprofessional at all. In fact I have met a lot of very highly proffesional A-list DP's and directors that smoke weed :lol:

  8. I've often thought of these types of 'comparisons' with video as mostly a waste of... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH ...teh word 'better' instead of how do we fix the issue.



    Are you by chance high?

  9. Now, if we're all clear here, I have a cyclone to dodge and a week of shooting in Kiribati to get ready for... Yes Daren, I got a letter from my teacher releasing me. ;)



    Have a fun field trip.


    Hey Daniel


    I appologize if I came across overly harsh which I feel I did. I felt you were mocking and not willing to openly listen to facts. That said because of the NDA I am unable to get into greater detail then I posted so I can see where it would be confusing. Thing is lart was a gibcor test and like I tried to explain and Jim also mentioned red was not involved in any way in any of the tests.


    Hope we can continue on and leave this behind Daniel.


    PS- Fiji women are beautiful, so is your teacher hot? (ha)

  10. Good for you.


    All I've been wondering about is the following 2, contradictory statements:


    "...Jim confirmed that the NDA was not from red."


    "...RED provided LART with as yet unreleased RED equipment and support with a request that we not release the info or test results until..."


    I see a contradiction, you say you don't.

    Good for you, but we disagree.



    I had heard there were far less children here then red user but I guess I found one in a big hurry Danny.


    Go off don't read posts properly and make your assumptions based on your made up little ideas. All I can tell you is what you are reading into the information you have is wrong, I can not go into any further detail due to NDA. Not that you could understand it anyway.


    Have a good time in high school tomorrow Danny.

  11. We disagree then.


    We'll have to wait & see if any of the organisers would like to shed any further light on the issue. If not, it really remains an academic discussion anyway.... semantics.


    No academic discussion here. Like I said you guys have no idea what you are talking about. I was an invited member of LART, was there for the whole time and saw exactly what took place. I mentioned this earlier. Did you miss it?

  12. Okay Daniel so you are building a deck and I am your next door neighbor. I see you building a deck and say hey here's my hammer but you can only hold it and look at it and not use it. Now was I really involved in any way in your deck project? I do not see how I can make it any simplier then that. Red was not involved in the testing.

  13. This might just be semantics, but I think that offering unreleased equipment and presumably wanting feedback implies a certain level of involvement, after all you just don't hand new stuff out to anyone and tells them to do with this whatever and not get back to you about what they thought of it. I am not implying that Red is taking a controlling interest in these tests, but I do not see the need for them to distance themselves from these tests like they when very clearly they were involved.


    Max honestly you have no clue what you are talking about here. From what I saw Jim post is that he was distancing himself from the NDA.


    In fact I was very suprised that there was not more of a presence from red at the tests as it was a very good publicity and meet the future customers opportunity. Like I said red was not involved in any of the actual testing. Not that I exactly am sure what half naked women and stunt fighting have to do with testing. David Mullen, Matt Uhry and I had the chance to hold up in a dark office and do some good old fashioned standard, boring lens and camera tests that should give some decent results though (It was actually a fair amount of fun as David and Matt are great).

  14. Daniel is not the only one to see an inherent contradiction here. I asked earlier whether Red was involved at all with these tests and Jim says a no, yet then it turns out that Red provided them with unreleased equipment, which does mean a clear involvement in my book I'm afraid.



    Wrong conclusion. Any company that knows that a large number of their current and potential customers are getting together very near to their company headquarters would be foolish not to drop by and offer some new insight and items. In fact I was very suprised in what I felt was a very small showing by red, I would have thought more representitives of the company would have shown up. Red was not involved in any real manner in testing though.

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