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Thomas Winston

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Posts posted by Thomas Winston

  1. The complete list of sequence is posted on reduser... didn't feel the need to repost it here.




    Jim- Thanks for taking the time to answer the question on this site. What do you mean by 'the complete list of sequences'? I couldn't find anything about an updated timeframe in my brief search on reduser. Can you pass on a link to that thread?




    Thomas Winston


  2. Hi Thomas,


    There is no date, every time frame proposed so far has been too optimistic. Unless your an existing customer I doubt you will have a chance to buy either this year, sometime in 2011 possibly. Red One was very late, Scarlet even later, I would not bother worrying until 6 months after the first Epic beta test cameras are released.




    Thanks for the info, Stephen. It's very helpful as I develop and budget future projects. I'll be fine with a our Varicam 3700 and some Phantom rental days in the meantime...

  3. Is there any rough timeline on delivery of the Epic/Scarlet cameras?


    At the risk of starting some sort of reduser holy war for asking this question, I thought I may get a more level-headed answer over here. I know nobody has a definite answer, just wondering what the ballpark is these days?




    Thomas Winston


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