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andrew ward

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Posts posted by andrew ward

  1. I never know how to compare led panels.

    Im comparing to my litepanel 1x1 daylight spot.


    The new version of Astra bicolor, is it as bright as the daylight only version when its in daylight mode. I understand from reading the website that it is. But thats not usual (ie if they could put double the amount of leds on the panel, why dont they do it for the single colours? (Heat?)).

    Id usually only buy daylight and gel it (i know Guy Holt, led doesnt gel like other sources), but is the Astra worth paying a bit extra to get bicolour?



  2. Straya cu**!

    Hah? Instead of dousing someones sticker frenzy you want me to design an led fresnel? I dont know how to design an led. I only know how to give a realistic, non DP opinion of an led fresnel.

    The solutions arent there yet. Litepanels and celeb are about the only things that have bettered what I used in a lighting truck 5-10 years ago. The rest is undelivered promises.

  3. Hey Kenfield. You should do gear reviews.

    Its so hard to find a review of say an Area 48 used by someone who knows what theyre doing and compared with similar tools. All these online video reviews where they meter lights etc are useless.

    Build your website and reel with the results.

    Id do it but I think its all wank.

  4. If I say it, its my opinion.


    Every company would do that. Otherwise there wouldnt be so many lights. Thered just be the one company with great design cornering the market.


    I have zero experience with Hive. You can see from their last iteration of form factor that it has weird design.


    Theres a reason no one has these lights.


    I hope theyre amazing and come down in price so I can get some. Im generally just saying "isnt it a pity that every time you see an exciting light that is supposed to be a dimmable source with no burn time thats lightweight and punchy it turns iut to not be the back saver you hoped it was". I want it more than you. I gotta use it every day.

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