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Peter Friedlander

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  • Occupation
    Camera Operator
  1. We have a missions trip on the amazon river in brazil in July for 10 days. I am documenting the trip with a Panasonic HVX200 camera (6lbs) and Im in need of advice for a steady portable tripod or monopod that can handle my camera. The budget im looking at is 60$-150$ for this Thanks
  2. Thank you for replying! Even if I bounce the light off of the ceiling with a Tota-light and defuse it, would that create downward shadows? About have the 2 cameras opposite the dance floor. I agree that it wouldn't work out that way after reading your replys, but whoever is dancing would be moving around in a circle facing ever which way, how then would I avoid during the 20 or so seconds in a slow dance song that their backs would be facing the camera ? Thanks
  3. My film company is doing a few weddings this year and I'm doing some research regards to when it comes to lighting. After having produced a wedding last year without any thought when it came to lighting, especially the dances, the ending footage turned out horrid with not enough light! I spent many sleepless nights in pro-production trying to fix the lowlight with filters and transitions, but the footage ended up looking like an old 1900s silent film! So, I want to make sure that I have all the right lighting equipment before I dive into another wedding day. Any advice in this area would be awesome, I am using 2 Panasonic HVX200 cameras, recording on standard mini-dv. I am looking at this light http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller...4510&is=REG But dont know the lighting terminology, plan is to have for the dances , one camera on 2 opposite corners of the dance floor -Thanks
  4. I have been hired to video document a missions trip with my Church in July using their DVX100 camera. I am conserned about the high humid and rainy conditions there and the conflict it would have on my equiptment. We will be travling for 9 days up and down the amazon river in brizil on a 3 story boat with 30 other passengers. I am taking only the bare camera nassesities for this trip, the DVX, power charger, two ten hour batteries and about 20 or so MINI-DV tapes. What sort of protection should I get for the DVX for rain covers and humidity? Where should I look for a portable light-weight caring case and how should I pack equiptment when travling? Cost is not an option. Thanks!! -Peter
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