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  1. Hi all, I've always been a tinkerer, and looking through a gallery of old (~1890s) motion picture cameras, I got intrigued by the idea of building my own hand-crank camera. I'm wondering if anyone on the boards could point me to some books with more detailed specs/blueprints for these classic cameras, or similar resources online? I know it's an offbeat request, maybe a little (a lot) anachronistic, but I'd really appreciate a nudge in the right direction. Thanks so much! Paul edit: here's a gallery I was looking at, if anyone's interested: http://digitalfx.tv/kodak/html/cine.html
  2. Hi all! I'm a long time reader, but this is my first post. I've been looking for a while, but have come up with nothing, so I thought I'd lay my query at the feet of the experts here... I'm an eager (if green) cinematographer, and have recently become very interested in the idea of a build-it-yourself kit for a simple motion picture camera. I assumed someone out there would be producing something like this for the serious hobbyist, and further assumed it would be 8- or 16-mm, however I can't find anything on the 'net that even mentions anything like this. Photographers have all sorts of pinhole, view-camera, and other hobby camera kits, is there nothing similar in the motion picture community? Thanks so much, Paul
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