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Matt Flannery

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Everything posted by Matt Flannery

  1. I really enjoyed working with the P+S adaptor, and would recommend it - but only if you plan for the light loss you will get with it (just shy of 2 stops) and also tight focusing. Plus it matched the look we wanted - and I'm a believer that the adapter is just a tool to get a "look" rather than it being a hd "film match" or anything. We had a problem or two with matching the adapters (the feature was a two cam shoot) - basically we had an adapter malfunction midway through shooting, and had to get a new one on there - when we did, it had a noticeable change on the image - added an magenta-esque element that wasnt there with the previous one. We made a few in-camera adjustments, but because this was midway through our hectic schedule, ultimately I decided that it would be better fixed in post. Given more time to research the reason, it may have been something simple, or maybe its just something inherent in the build of the adapter. We did look at the Letus, but there were reports and reports of release dates going back months for the B4 mount. I may be wrong but I think its still not out. So the P+S seemed the right choice of adaptor. But from what I saw, the Letus looks like the solution for the hpx500, if it ever comes out! Matt
  2. Yes it was an Indonesian production - myself and Gareth Evans, the director, had previously worked on a documentary on the martial art of Silat, travelling through Java into Sumatra, and we couldnt believe that this style hadnt been used in any significant way in an action movie. So Gareth went about writing and creating the story, and used some of the talent we had met through the documentary to choreograph the sequences. And of course the star, Iko Uwais, we had met during the project, and seen the incredible potential he had.
  3. We used a combination of CTO's on china lanterns for ambient around the phonebox - and forced some extra spill into the daylight kino keyed box itself, again using CTO's on a couple of 1ks with plenty of flags and hidden bounce material. The alleyway was again lanterns and 1ks and 2ks, rigged high on the roofs around the area, with daylight sources to balance - the only practicals were a "streetlight" CTOd 2k and a 4 by 4 daylight kino above the door if I remember right. Everything else was high or hidden in set. We also put in some red, pink and green sources to mix the colour scheme and give a 'neon' feel (inky 650s, but I couldnt tell you for sure the gels atm) Anyway, this is what I can recall off-hand, not having my notes nearby. But yea, the colour you talk about was pretty much all CTO, between 1/4 and full, and tweaked a little in post.
  4. Hi all Thought I'd post a link to the trailer and video production blogs for a feature I recently DOP'ed: official trailer: http://www.vimeo.com/4439506 website, where you can find 10 Behind the Scenes production blogs: http://www.merantau-movie.com Thanks for looking, hope you enjoy! Matt
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