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Everything posted by jin

  1. Hi, I?m Jin. :rolleyes: I?d like to know how to transform color space exactly. I?ve studied to convert color space using Apple?s ShakeTM software. written by Glenn Kennel is a good guide in my study. I?m doing Glenn Kennel?s method step by step. The book especially was described below a paragraph about a color conversion. ---------- The color conversion to X?Y?Z? was accomplished using Apple?s ShakeTM software. The digital files were linearized (applying a gamma of 2.6), then a 3x3 matrix was applied to convert RGB to XYZ, followed by application of the 1/2.6 gamma function. The finished color-corrected files were stored as 12-bits X?Y?Z? data in 16-bit TIFF files. This process will be described in more detail in Chapter 7. ----------- Here, I don?t know which a node of Shake I have to use. If there is someone who converts color space using Shake, please let me know it.
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