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Jesse Aragon

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Posts posted by Jesse Aragon

  1. David, the trailer looks great! I was wondering about the shot at 1:13 in the trailer with the girl and the overexposed window. I have a shoot coming up where I am planning on doing something similar outdoors, in the afternoon with the sun backing a young girl, I want that hot overexposure from the background. Did you bring it up in post or did you get that in camera? I am shooting this on a red, I am wondering if I should play it safe and give myself some room in post.



  2. I've used some of these off brand lights before, they definitely don't match the arri quality, but if your punching them through a frame or diffusion it doesn't really matter. They do tend to leak a bit of light though, especially from the sides, compared to the arri's.

  3. Hello all,

    I was wondering if anyone has encountered codec errors with the alexa, I had a shoot this past week where after about 1 minute the camera would stop recording display a codec error and would require a re-boot. It was very annoying and cost us time. This occured when the Camera was recording to 64g SxS cards @ 60 fps on a high speed enabled alexa. Our solution was to go 422, that seemed to solve the problem.




  4. Ive been wondering how it is one would light a scene to produce something like apocalypse now in the cave scene or lighting so that the subject has a very low lit light on him/her. Would you light the subject with plenty of light, then get a correct exposure, and then stop down to a desired level or is there another way? Im thinking along the lines of Gordon Willis where the scene is way underexsposed, is that him lighting the scene with plenty of light and then stoping down the lense or what?

    example: light subject, ambient meter says 5.6 (middle gray) then stop down 2 stops to dark gray?

    any help would be much appreciated



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