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alan mourgues

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Everything posted by alan mourgues

  1. Hi there I´m struggling here trying to get the best way to track time Is there any way to get an ever-increasing-continuous recording time code ? Edge code comes back to 1 when changing CF card !!!! Please help ! Thanks
  2. Ok. Thanks a ot for your replies Practical questions: 1) Shooting 24p, having movement from medium to fast within the frame. Do you prefer 1/24th or 1/48 ?. The first gives more bluring within each frame but no skipping, and the second reduces motion but adds skipping. Anything in between maybe (1/32th) ? 2) Why while shooting with RED, my HD monitor shows so much flicker ?....The proxys shown on the QT player in my MAC show the same flickering images, but after rendering, exporting, the fickering is reduced a lot when viewing the exported .mov with the same QTPlayer in the same MAC. My monitor is a PANASONIC BT-LH1700WP, and my MAC is a MAC Book Pro 17", 2.5 GHz Intel Core duo, HD 320 GB Serial ATA @7200rpm, Super Drive 8X DL, memory 4GB, SDRAM 2x2GB 3) For a TV commercial, is it preferable to shoot 30p (TV display rate) or 24p ?...this first reduces skipping but is more videoish, and the second gives the "film-look" but more skipping. 4) This so called film-look of 24p, isn´t it lost when taking it to 30 fps for tv transmission ?....Wher in the pipleines is this conversion done anyway ?...Do I have to make it myself in post and export a 30fps movie ? Or I just finish at 24p and forget about it ? (For tv commercial)
  3. thanks guys for your comments The issue I´m pointing out is simple. Recording 24p generates strobing / juddering. With the RED ONE, the results seem to be a lot worse than in other 24p cameras. This issue has been highly addresses in many forums all over the net. So, when you have fast movement within the frame, the only way to reduce judder is increasing the frame rate. So, I was wondering; I have one take at 4K 24pfs, then, for the next take, I wanna record it at 96 fps, but I need to go down to 2K to achieve this. Then overcrank 400% this take and finally build my 2-takes project at 24fps. Is there any problem for this in post ? That was my original question Then form your comment, I realize I´m missing the shutter angle concept. Can anybody tell me in straight english what is this ?...the camera allows you to set the shutter speed and a variable named phase, nothing else. What is this shutter angle stuff ?..any explanation o good link wold be much appreciated Thanks again
  4. Hi there I´m just testing my new RED ONE camera. I found straight away a noticebale strobing effect, alot worse than in other 24p cameras With shutter control you can reduce the exposure time to avoid motion blur, but you get flicker anyway. If you have fast movment within the frame (either the camera or the object moves), the only thing you can do to avoid flicker is to increase the frame rate (besides reducing dof so focusing on the object only). Isn´t that a reason good enough to prefer 2K rather than 4K in takes with fast movment ? (2k allows higher frame rate, so you can record at, say 100 fps and then speed it up in post). I´m wondering I haven´t quite gone through the post workflows yet, and I was wondering how to handle different takes recorded at different resolutions and different frame rates in post. Let´s say that I´m recording at 4K 2:1 @ 24fps, but I have some takes in between where I decided to shoot at 2K 2:1 so to get 100 fps and therefore avoiding too much flickering. I´ll need to overcrank the 100 fps take to get it to the normal speed within the project. Is it achiveable such a workflow ? Any reccommendations ?...any particular post software better than the other in this matter ? Thanks a lot Alan
  5. Hi folks. I?m an independent producer, building my own company, which will be devoted to HD. I´m straggling in the decision of what to buy. SONY F900R, upcoming PANASONIC Varicam2700 an Silicon Imaging SI_2K appear to be my favourite options. To start with, I have to choose ONE camera and obviously the full pack of related accesories. The business at the beginning will be renting the pack to the local producing companies (for movie making and publicity advertising). I´d really appreciate some help to sort out thi issue. What would you choose to start running your own company ? It doesn´s have to be necessarily one these three, but any one you think it may be a good business asset. thanks very much for your help
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