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Julian Farmer

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  1. Hi, In the past few weeks I have spent many hours researching and experimenting different methods of getting a steady shot. I'll share what I found with you :D 1) A tripod will work if you have one, or else a monopod. It may be worth investing in a tripod as it'll be useful in the future for other projects. 2) Attach your camera and hold the tripod HORIZONTALLY so it is parallel to the floor. You need to find the centre of balance by just gripping it between your thumb and indexe finger and mobing it along until you get a perfect balance 3) Hold the tripod or monopod at arm's length, and if it is light, grip it between the thumb and index finger on the balance point you found. If it is heavy, you may need a firmer grip to keep it from sliding or even falling. 4) Crouch slightly, and try to avoid moving yoru arm left and right. You may find it useful to use yoru other hand to control turns othehrwise they will come out jerky. Just experiment different ways - you can get near perfect shots with just a tripod. Sorry if the description on number 2 is a bit strange - you need to find the point of balance.
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