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Posts posted by SERGIO DOW

  1. CANON K-35 T1.4 LENS SET (25, 35, 50 & 80mm) Near MINT condition, beautifully rehoused by CINEOVISION in BNCR Mount.


    For more pictures please see: http://reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?60375-CANON-K-35-T1.4-LENS-SET-Cineovision-Reshoused&p=783993&posted=1#post783993


    #s: 5829899, 5829896, 5829893, & 5829869


    With much regret I must sell my beloved Cineovision Canon K35s. These are by far the best lenses I have ever owned. So in the hope that they go to a good home, I am offering them to the Reduser and cinematography community first.


    The K35s are the only true motion picture lenses to cover the full-frame still format (FF35), enabling them to perfectly work with all film and RED formats, now and in the future, including Red One 4K, Epic 5K and even Epic 6K.

    CINEOVISION is one of the most respectable cine lens manufacturer in the world. Their anamorphic lenses sell for over $30.000 each. These lenses have been built with exactly the same quality and craftsmanship standards. You don't come across a lens set like this too often, if ever.


    The K-35 cine lenses are very sharp and contrasty, right on par with Zeiss Super Speeds. In fact they are especially renown for being sharper than Zeiss when wide-open. All in all, they are wonderful, extremely fast cine lenses. The K35s are NOT converted still lenses but were originally designed for cinematography. They feature beautiful, solid housings, expanded focus scales and common diameter fronts.


    The lenses are clear and clean. The coatings are near flawless. The 85mm may have a few faint cleaning marks on the front element. It is hard to tell. All rings rotate smoothly. The lens set is FACTORY MATCHED, perfectly collimated and all of the lenses have been projected producing an amazing edge to edge flat image.


    Asking $14,000 for the set.


    The lenses are in Chicago for those who might be in the area.


  2. I recently bought a beautiful set of four TAMAHA Super Speed lenses in BNCR mount: a 28mm f2.0 , a 35mm f1.4 , a 55mm f1.2 and a 85mm f1.8 . They seem to be Nikon rehoused lenses. It's my understanding that they were designed and manufactured in England by Mike Tapa, former Chief Engineer at Optex. Does anybody have any information about these lenses...? TVM! Sergio

  3. I worked for Davids company from 74 - 79, Samuelsons Film Service Limited, he ran it with his three brothers Sydney, Michael and Tony.


    'Sammys' did indeed offer innovative solutions in the 70's, creating camera systems similar to those we take for granted today. They developed a degree of standardisation that was somewhat lacking before.


    I'm sorry to say however that the lenses were never up to much, in their day they were ok, but by the time Zeiss got their act together the Samcine name was pretty 2nd division and was never the choice of Cinematographers I worked with. The last lens I remeber being developed under their name was a version of the Canon 150 - 600. Optex had a version, then Century in the US made a better one. As far as I remember the Samcine was pretty much a clone of the Century.


    Bill Woodhouse was the head of optics from way before I joined until a few years ago, until the company was absorbed by Panavision I believe. If you have questions about specific Samcine lenses, I can try and find details for you.



    Hello Tony! It's been years since you posted this message. Is Bill Woodhouse still around? Do you have his contact information? Thank you very much an kind regards, Sergio sergiodow@gmail.com

  4. For sale: my Cooke Speed Panchros series II & II:


    18mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm.


    All with Arri Standard mount. In good condition.


    Contact me if you are interested. Lenses are located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.




    Victor: Do you still have the CSP's set? Thank you very much, Sergio Dow sergiodow@gmail.com

  5. I cant answer your question about the Schneiders, but I have used the old Standard Zeiss lenses your talking about with the T* coatings and without.


    The Lenses with the T* coating are mildly faster (T2.1 instead of T2.2), the difference in contrast is very slight, and the only other thing that is noticeable is a slight blue-ish color shift on the T* coating- but this is very slight.


    I'm guessing that before the "T" , Zeiss lenses had good coatings but they had not branded them yet. For me, If I was using the older standards anyways, I wouldn't care id they were T* coated or not. Hope that helps.

    ...and how do they compare optically to the current Zeiss...?

  6. Here's a 30mm, 40mm Baltr and an 18.5mm Angie in the older BNC rock over mounts:




    VS. a Canon K-35mm T2.8.




    The BNCR lenses don't always have the conical rear, but you can see that the barrel behind the flange is considerably shorter than the rack over mount.


    Super Baltars were designed for use on reflex cameras, specifically the mitchell S35R/ Mark II cameras. The Super Baltars have S35R mounts, the BNCR ones use a permanently mounted adapter.


    Looking on the Canon Museum site, we find the following rangefinder lenses with leica screw mounts to be the only lenses whose specs match your Mitchell mount lenses.

    Since Baltars were T2.5, these are faster supplementary lenses.





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