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Annie Castle

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  • Occupation
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    Photography<br />Cinematography<br />Film<br />Music<br />Visual Arts

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  1. I can relate,good intentions are misinterpreted a lot,and the best thing we can do like you mentioned is explain ourselves before these assumptions are made.That's something I'll always keep in mind. It's sucks to know that you lost interns due to false assumptions,it's happens often regardless what it is..false assumptions can ironically always get in the way of one.
  2. :) Lol,you're probably right,besides I do enjoy editing as well..ah honestly I'm not completely sure what is it that I want to be.I'm passionate about photography and film,and I thought cinematography would be the perfect combination for me,but,I'm still having a hard time trying to figure out the purpose of cinematographer besides from what I've already read. I'll keep working at it,I'm not too bad,you're right, I just need comfort.
  3. Yeah,I took drama last year,it wasn't bad at all. You're right and yes,we do learn from our mistakes :)
  4. Thank you for the response. Insomnia and communication skills,well I use to have sort of have insomnia for a short period of time.. Knowledge within lighting and composition,I'm up for studying this. =]
  5. Agree. Man,why haven't my parents tell me this..
  6. You made a very good point on being confident even when not feeling it,I'm generally very patient and calm and friendly as well,the being confident I'll have to work on.I think confidence is one of the most important as well,all these times I've never felt confident,I've restrained from doing things I enjoy.Lacking communication skills never hit me hard till that one day my photography teacher said this one quote "If you're shy and don't have good communication skills,you'll have a rough time in the future",and that same day we had to do a speech in front of everyone and I just started to shake,that one mistake has haunted me..but im working on getting over it.Yeah,being confident can help out so much and doing something you enjoy.
  7. Thank you very much for these words and tips.I've been told I have a very good personality and that I'm a kind person,I tend to focus a lot on a person and observe them well before I open myself to them.But,yes you made a great point that would be very helpful for me interacting with people in general. :D
  8. Haha! Good thinking. Thank you,I appreciate it a lot! :)
  9. I agree,Thanks for sharing your experiences that's something I'll definitely keep in mind. Ah..why is it small things like accents and green colored hair tend to stand out the most in High school. :P
  10. Very well said Karl! I'm able to talk on the phone and speak my mind to certain people,public speeches is something I'll admit I fear,but I'll improve overtime especially if I want to succeed in this field.
  11. Hahaha,Adrian I never thought about that.I'm here worrying about not being able to socialize well and forgot all about directors and crew members that don't speak English.I speak Spanish and English and my English is good but I wouldn't say good enough then again nor is my Spanish..lol,thank God for translators! :D
  12. Jim Jim Jim,you've mentioned a lot of things that have come to my mind and I appreciate that a lot.I mainly lack of communication skills when it comes to collaborating in groups,but like you said it all comes down to, "it depends" and that's something I've always told myself and others,cause you'll never know how good or how bad you'll do and that always depends. Finding work is actually the main thing I was a bit worried about.My goal isn't too much to be extremely known,although well known would be nice.But,I just want to do something I enjoy and have a good lifestyle out of it as well.And you're right I'll have socialize and network a lot and that's what had me worry,online I'm able to do whatever and speak what's on my mind,it's in person where I lack.I'm hoping to stop being so reserved and try my best at what I do.I honestly love working with people,I just get too quiet at times,but it happens. Thank you.
  13. Adrian, Thank you for replying.I appreciate what you mentioned on synthesizing with the director.I guess as long as good collaboration is being made then eye contact wouldn't matter as well,which is good in a way.Congratulations on getting where you are at now,it's very nice to know especially being 24 even though there's no 'too young or too old'. Thanks for the greetings to the boards =)~!
  14. Thank you very much Tim for the greetings. "Images do the talking" :) Yes,I like the way that sounds.
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