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William Sanders

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Everything posted by William Sanders

  1. What's the best way to expose for a landscape backlit by the sun? Should I expose for the sunny side and let my shaded areas go dark or expose for the shady side and split the exposure a bit? Exposure is a taste but I don't know what to do when I have a wide shot that isn't taking place at sunset and I don't want the image to be silhouette plus I have no way to fill the shaded side in. But with exposing for the shaded side I don't want my background too hot.
  2. I was looking up lighting for car INT. at night on the search button. Have a question about temp. balance. Is it easier to light the INT. at lets say 32k rather then try to match it to balance the mixed lighting outside (mainly city/highway situations)? Also when your lighting for a darker location (i.e the woods) what's good motivation? I assume using the light from the dashboard (with the kino car kit, or panels) and then having an light hooked up to a dimmer overexposed for passing carlights. I was wondering if anyone ever motivates moonlight as a source (I can't think of a film I've seen it in).
  3. Hello, I'm shooting a short student project on regular 16mm. There is a scene where a person is talking next to a window. I want to add a little contrast and rather then motivate soft daylight I figure I would use a source to represent direct sunlight hitting the actor. The only problem is I don't know how much over exposer I will need to make it look realistic. If I expose for the sunny side it no longer will be a highlight and if I go for the shaded side it might blow out the sunny side to much. I was thinking of just overexposing the highlight by 2 to give that feel. Is that two much and will it be distracting? I usually let highlights go 2 1/2 but in those instances an actor is walking through or used to create a bit of depth. I haven't done a scene where the talent is in the highlight for that long of a period saying lines.
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