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Geraint Owen

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Everything posted by Geraint Owen

  1. Hello, sorry but I'm new to all of this. I don't know much about were to get a cheap cine tape measure from, but you can buy a cheap lazer pointer which are handy for steadicam and especially handheld work. Mount the pointer at the film plane and angle it towards the actors mark on the floor or any other refrence point. Measure the distance, then adjust accordingly. Very handy for handheld work as you can keep a refrence of were the operater is Also putting a bit of tape in front of the mark 1' and then 2' behind can give you a good refrence. The lazer pointer is very handy for handheld work at night. Personally getting on well with the operater is better than any electronic tape measure, it may cost you a few beers or a packet of cigarretes but well worth it.
  2. Hey I'm new to all of this, don't really know what I'm doing, but just wondering why you would need a gate brush for a 16mm camera, for the mags maybe, just in case you run out of air. If you still want to use a brush get a soft one and that doesn't loose it's threads.
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