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Max M Fuhlendorf

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Everything posted by Max M Fuhlendorf

  1. Thanks for all the comments. I liked the digital projector idea. I'd thought about it, but dismissed the idea thinking I'd get very low exposure. I have a 1000lumens HT DLP projector. I'll try to get a few feet of 5218 500T and shoot some stills, and depending on the results, it could solve my problem. Thanks again for all the tips! Max
  2. Hello. I'm a student filmmaker in Brazil, and I'm doing the cinematography for a very short (one minute) film. It's kind of a romantic comedy, and it calls for a style that is natural but somewhat cartoony at the same time. It's gonna be shot on Vision2 500t, 16mm probably (not S16), or if I get lucky, 35mm 1.85. My school has available the whole line of Arri HMI fresnels from 575w to 4k, and Arri Tungsten fresnels from 150w to 10k, and some banks of corrected fluorescents. My idea was to light the front of the performers with a very big white reflector and a tungsten balanced as key, and use a HMI flickering from the projector booth to get that totally fake and stylized projector flicker as a rim light for the performers. Most of the film will be shot from the screen position, framing two seats with a couple. There will be some inserts, also, but nothing out of the ordinary. I'm an experienced videographer, and I shoot still 35mm film since I was a kid, but this will be my first movie shot with film cameras. Any advice or tips would be immensely apreciated.
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