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Sanjay Sami

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Posts posted by Sanjay Sami

  1. JD, I have had just one experience with Norms gear. While shooting Moonrise Kingdom, we struggled to find local equipment in Rhode Island because there were 2 other big films shooting in New England at the same time - and one was an Adam Sandler movie, and we were a small Wes Anderson movie being shot on 16mm, so we didn't get a lot of attention from the local rental houses. So a small local Grip rental house bought all new gear from Norms for us. I mean everything ! It felt so good on day 1 to have all this shiny new gear on set. By the 3rd week most of the gear was rusty. Stands were jamming, frames were not coming apart or being assembled very easy.

    The gear was being handled very well. The owner was on set supervising how his kit was being treated :-)

    I have heard that Norms has become a lot better since then, and I am sure thats true, but what I saw was incredible.

  2. Kupo is cheaper than Avenger, but not close in terms of quality. Pretty to look at, but the Kupo gear I own (not a lot) has not held up well.

    I have American and Avenger. My vote is for Avenger 1st American 2nd. Although if I lived in the US it would be American 1st, Avenger second.

  3. As long as you have everything safetied both methods should be fine. The menace arm allows you more offset if you need it, and a boom on a rolling stand would allow you to work inside and roll the arm out. Remember to safety barndoors and scrims as well.

  4. Thanks Sanjay, I went and checked out one of the Avenger overhead models yesterday, but it turns out the grip head is permanently fixed to the top riser, so the stands can't be packed down neatly enough to fit anyway.


    Do you ever use extension risers on top of combo stands to get things higher up? Are they stable enough to be safe?

    I dont (or very rarely) use extension risers. They are used frequently though. I prefer to get a bigger stand. They torque the stand a lot more than the stand was designed to bear , especially in windy conditions or any kind of offset load.

  5. If your reel is to pitch for work as a DP, I would say do NOT put Gaffer work on it.

    Make a separate reel if necessary. For Gaffer work ( I am a Key Grip, and I think its pretty similar) I would suggest a concise resume along with the names and phone numbers of DP's you've worked with.

    Providing the phone numbers or email addresses up front displays confidence in your reputation, and shows that your resume is legit.

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