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Alex Katsaros

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Everything posted by Alex Katsaros

  1. I'm currently directing a reality show. During the last part of the show, there is a set up where the "contestant" meets with his family (10 - 12 people) after three months. At that point, my main focus is on the reactions of the family members. A few moments later, everyone is hugging each other and the shoulder cams give me all the close ups i need to edit a very moving piece. My problem has to do with lighting. We usually shoot the scene in clubs, ballrooms etc and although those places look great, my DP hasn't been able to light it properly since he can't hang the lights from the ceiling. So, the electricians set up the lights on tripods, facing the family members from the front and the sides. When we begin shooting, everything looks good. When the contestant goes to the family members and they start hugging him etc, everything is messed up ! I have all the lights in the background of my frames and, a lot of times, family and contestant look really dark since they turn their backs to the lights (let me remind you here that during shooting these moments i choose not to direct the "subjects" since i don't want to spoil the reality of the scene). I know that since the movement of the "subjects" is uncontrollable what i really need is 360 degrees lighting. Is this something that can be achieved without hanging the lights from the ceiling ? And if the only solution is to put the lights on tripods, sort of around the "subjects", how will i be able to have all the shots i need from the shoulder cams without seeing the lights in the back of the frame ? Sorry for the long description, but it would be really helpful if you had any ideas.
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