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Michael Hall

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Everything posted by Michael Hall

  1. has anyone ever bought from sonic cameras or one of these other bait-and-switch companies, refused the overpriced accessories, and still recieved their order? I'M NOT GOING TO BE STUPID, I'm just doing some researd :lol:
  2. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I filed a complaint with the BBB. Hopefully I can get something out of this. I appreciate everything. -Mike
  3. No, it was from Sonic Cameras, which I believe is based out of New York. The weirdest thing is everyone seems to buy these cameras for around the same price, $2300 and up, yet when you google "Panasonic DVX100B", all the stores are selling them for $999. I'm sorry if I'm confusing, because the truth of it is, I'm confused as well.
  4. Hello all, I have two Panasonic DVX100Bs that I have paid roughly $3000 for. Yet lately I have been seeing deals from $800 to $999. Upon ordering one of these packages, I was informed that this wasn't the whole camera, or that I would need to buy more parts. Would anyone have more information on these sales, and what exactly I would be missing out on if I went with this instead of the whole package at $3000+? Thanks in advance.
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