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Bruce Drakes

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  1. Why would you recommend against it?
  2. Oh ok, but isn't it recommended that you keep the shutter at 1/50 when shooting video?
  3. Thank you for sound advice there Adrian really appreicate that. Another matter which is slighting concerning me is when you see a lens that has a aperture range of 3.5 to 5.6, doesn't that seem a bit restrictive? Say if you needed a stop that was out of those ranges, what would you do? Change lenses? Change ISO? Bring in filters? Thanks again for anyones help.
  4. Thanks for that. I've been shooting on DV for a quite a while and I am looking to move into DSLRs. I figure the best way to learn would be try them out, I've already done a course in video production. What would be better? Buy a DSLR that comes with a zoom lens or buy the camera body with your own selection of lenses?
  5. I'm thinking of upgrading to a DSLR camaera and I was wondering if someone could help me with something. When looking for lenses, I often notice that on the description of certain lenses it says, for example, aperture 2.8. Does that mean that this lens has only one stop which is 2.8 or does have it a range of stops and 2.8 is the widest it will open? As you can tell, I'n new when it comes to lenses, as I've only been shooting with DV cameras with built on lenses. Help much appreciated.
  6. So do you have any other recommendations for film noir type lighting? Especially in terms for outdoor/exterior shooting.
  7. OK i think im getting a clearer picture of what you're saying, appreciate the drawing by the way, nice work.
  8. Video will blow out quickly, so you have to plan on that as people move through frame, closer to father from lighting - - - I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, could you please elaborate.
  9. Thanks for that. Yeah, i'm shooting a film noir, so lots of moody lighting, Also i forget to mention that i will be shooting in video format. i'll be using the JCY GY- HD 200, but we'll be sticking with the miniDV tapes, not HI DEF.
  10. This year i shall be embarking on my final year project, and i will be occupying the role of cinematographer. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who could give me tips, hints, advice and what to look out for in this role, as i need to compile a research essay. Your help will be very much appreciated Thank you
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