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Mitch Monthie

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Everything posted by Mitch Monthie

  1. Most likely it was done using some sort of tilt lens like a Lensbaby, made by LENSBABY, INC. [url="http://lensbaby.com/index.php"]http://lensbaby.com/index.php[/url] Vaseline is an old school trick. Other films you could see something of the sort (not sure if they use a lensbaby) includes Deakin's [i]Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford[/i], and Kaminski's [i]The Diving Belle and the Butterfly[/i] Of course, Deakin's could have used vaseline as well. However the effects look pretty heavily controlled. Yet, he is a god so not that he couldn't have done what he did with vaseline, I'm just assuming he used a special lens. Anyone with anymore info? -Mitch Monthie Aspiring DP
  2. Wow, some beautiful footage you captured Mr. Bulgarelli, the Red is an amazing camera. It's exciting to watch the evolution of digital. There was a great article in American Cinematographer on Sci Fi Channel's 'Sanctuary', the first television series to use the Red One camera. I'm actually a film student in Texas, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to know what your primary lighting instruments were particularly for the opening scene of 'The Debt', as well as how you achieved the warm light in the bar and 'sitting in car' scenes. I would greatly appreciate it as I'm looking to get a similar look in an upcoming shoot. Thank you for your time! -Mitch Monthie
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