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Dino Ziric

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About Dino Ziric

  • Birthday 06/21/1983

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  • Location
    San Diego / Los Angeles

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  1. Hey guys, thanks for your responses, i really appreciate all the help. I will try the ENG lens option and depending on cost might be forced into the Nikon stills with mount. The Ultima adapter plus a lens on it may be a bit large for a car interior scene. Let me know if you know an affordable rental house. Thanks!
  2. Hmm, well the camera lens is most likely not suitable because there will be quite a few car interior scenes. I figure i will need a fairly wide lens. Also we will have a few scenes at night in the car and i need a fast lens. I also need really shallow DOF, my concern is that we will only have a few street blocks closed off for us and i do not want the background to be recognizable so much. Honestly i do not know what difference i will get if i used let's say video vs. still photo lenses. Like i said before my experience with video lenses is limited to whatever the manufacturer includes with the camera most of the time. When i work with still photography or film the solution is obvious, but with let's say the EX3 there are so many different routes to go with. I'm just wondering what will give me a nice crisp look, DOF, and still work with the small budget. Thanks for your help!
  3. I am shooting a project on the EX3 and want the best possible look i can get on this cam. We have the camera for free so there is a budget for glass. What should/can i go with? Video lenses, 35 lenses or still photo even?? I have never worked with high quality video lenses so i don't know what to expect. Would it be better to go with some high end still photo lenses?? Can anyone recommend an affordable rental house in SoCal for photo and video lenses?? Any help appreciated! Thanks!
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