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Conrad Lobst

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Everything posted by Conrad Lobst

  1. hey christian, i recommend: for assistant stuff like marks,slates,bags and tools www.myfocusshop.de. for magliner http://www.abels-filmzubehoer.de/ and for tools aswell www.pure4c.com much sucess! beste conne
  2. Hello, thank you everybody. we did it last tuesday and it went pretty fine. The pilot is still alive, he did terrific moves and it all looks brilliant from the passenger seat. SR3 HS + Ultra 16 12mm + LMB5 + kodak 7201 122mm everthing was saved well by the keygrip and I did the rest at the SR; Securing the lens mount with a belt was a could hint, thanks. Thanks a lot Best regards from Germany Conne
  3. hey, thanks a lot for your hints....the rental and me decided to take a SR3 HighSpeed, because of the more stable pressure plate and the simple designed magazine structure according to the 416 mag with the windings and curves...dont know the real title. The lens mount is absolutely understandable. We will definetly use Ultra Primes for that shot, so I`ll think about adding a supportbridge for zoom lenses with this prime. thanks a lot I`ll keep you up to date with the results Best regards from Germany Conne
  4. Hello, Im preparing a special shoot with a S-16 camera, either 416 or Sr3 inside of a cessna two seater, which should fly some aerial stunts around 4-5 G. My concern is not the rigging, this is the grips tasks, but Im not sure if the film exposing will work well at this rough circumstances. Could the pressure plate loss contact, and the frames will get shaky or soft or any other situations like this? Is there someone with experiences in this case, who could still my mind? Shall I take the Sr3 or the 416 for that job....i mean, the SR is defintely more stable and maybe safer in this case. Thank you Conrad Lobst Germany
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